Guild of Residential Landlords

We help landlord’s self-manage their rented residential property in England or Wales

Please check out our new websites dedicated to the country where your property is located. We will be moving to them soon.


Please be aware the Wales website is designed for the new rules from 1 December 2022. Remain on this website for guidance up to then.

Tenancy Builder

e-sign tenancy agreement
Our exclusive Tenancy Builder provides quick and easy tenancy agreement creation.

Integrated digital signing built in!

  • Assured shorthold tenancy
  • Contractual agreement
  • Lodger agreement
  • Garage agreement
  • Non-domestic room agreement
  • Assured tenancy


Forms and Templates

Over 150 forms and templates

Unlimited downloads

There’s a range of categories to choose from including inspection, breach of tenancy, possession, rent increase plus much more …

    Forms and templates for residential landlords



    Guidance for England and Wales

    All subjects covered within the main categories of:

    • Pre-tenancy
    • Responsibilities and Liabilities
    • Start of a Tenancy
    • During a Tenancy
    • Ending a Tenancy


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