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Fake emails from Arthur J. Gallagher?

22 Dec 2020 | 1 comment


I’ve received an email from a company claiming to be Intasure stating that I had recently received an email from  Arthur J. Gallagher regarding my policy with Rent Guard.  This email included my full name and property address.

The email states that Rent Guard can no longer insure my property due to Brexit, but they can offer me a new policy with Intasure. There is also a link to click on to reply to the email (which is obviously very suspicious).

I have don’t have a policy with Rent Guard, so I’m assuming that this is not a genuine email, but they have my name and property address, which is a concern.  Would like to know if anyone else has received anything similar.

many thanks



1 Comment

  1. guildy

    We personally insure through Gallagher ourselves and seem to recall a similar email but can’t quite remember now.

    With their rent guarantee, it works differently in that it’s a bolt on available for every policy. This means although you might not have it at the moment, it is available to all on that buildings insurance policy so it works slightly differently to going out and buying rent guarantee only.

    Do you want to forward the email to us at and we can check it. We have systems in place where we can see beneath links before clicking to see if genuine or not. Forwarding is literally just that and won’t affect your computer or anything.

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