
Electrical Safety (England) | England | Responsibilities and Liabilities (England)

New electrical report for each new tenant

9 Mar 2021 | 1 comment

Hi I am being told by electricians that a new electrical report will be required for every change of tenancy so potentially that could mean every 6 months if there was a high turnover.  I cannot find anything on this site stating that is the case.  Please can you confirm that this is a case of the  electricians misinterpreting the laws and that a valid certificate for 5 years is sufficient.


1 Comment

  1. guildy

    You are absolutely right that there’s no requirement for a new report each change of tenancy.

    However, you should be aware that the 5 years is a “maximum”. If the report says a lesser date, the lesser date on the report wins.

    Therefore, you need to be careful to ensure that the electrician doesn’t put on the report “5 years or change of tenancy” because that lower date of change of tenancy would win and need doing again.

    Before we employed our electrician, we carefully asked what date will be on the report and will only employ an electrician who puts “5 years” and nothing else (except if there is some genuine reason to put a lesser date such as a borderline defect that might need checking sooner e.g. 3 years).

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