
Ending a Tenancy (England) | England | Tenant Moves Out (England)

Tenant not informing Landlord of white goods damage or problems

22 Sep 2020 | 1 comment

Our previous tenants moved out and inventory done. It was found they damaged the leather sofa, blinds, fridge freezer, and the dishwasher no longer works. They also had a pet despite signing a contract stating none allowed.. To be fair to them, we put the dishwasher down to wear and tear and charged them a minimal amounts to repair damages. Our new tenants have informed us that the thermostat in the fridge is broken as it turns but no internal connection so the fridge is currently too cold. Can we claim any monies from our previous tenants as we were not informed of any problems? The fridge freezer is just turning 3 years old.


1 Comment

  1. guildy

    Assuming there’s a term in the tenancy requiring them to notify you of a repair (our agreements have such a term) then we agree it’s a breach not to.

    However, the problem is how to value the breach.

    Let’s assume they had reported one week before they left. You would be in no different a position to what you’re in now. You would be arranging repair.

    Therefore, unless you could show some financial loss as a result of the failure to notify, it would be exceptionally difficult to claim any compensation.

    A good example of being able to claim compensation would be a leak. If they notify quickly, the repair cost is less as there’s less damage than if they report it after a month for example.

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